Friday, February 10, 2017

Leave Barry Alone

The Crisp here. As many of you know, The Bee Movie is a big deal here on the internet. Memes on memes on memes. Barry deserves to be free.
Image result for born to bee wild

I'd just like to say that I'm angry about this so-called "trend". It's even worse than Caillou. And you know how much we hate Caillou.

Image result for bee movie memes
As much as I love some good old-fashioned memeage, this is taking it too far. Paul Blart is an American hero. He is the best mall cop the world has ever known. I can't believe that people would even think about this. This disgusts me.
Image result for bee movie memes
I do like jazz. The craziness of this one bee, no, god, has really gotten to me. I don't ask much of you internet, but please, don't bee wild.

Don't take offense to this. I love memes. Just not this one.
Please save Barry.
Share this message with everyone you know.